Pickleball Skill Progression: How to Level Up Your Game

Pickleball Skill Progression: How to Level Up Your Game


Pickleball has gained tremendous popularity in recent years due to its accessibility, fun gameplay, and health benefits. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced player, there is always room for improvement in your pickleball skills. This article will guide you through a step-by-step skill progression to help you level up your game and become a formidable pickleball player.

1. Master the Basics

1.1 Understanding the Rules

Before diving into advanced techniques, it’s essential to have a solid grasp of the basic rules of pickleball. Familiarize yourself with the court dimensions, serving rules, and scoring system. This foundational knowledge will set the stage for your skill development.

1.2 Proper Grip and Stance

Learn the correct way to hold the pickleball paddle and adopt the proper stance on the court. A good grip and stance provide better control over your shots and enhance your overall performance.  Great balance and swings is the key to a consistent game.  Standing on a balance board and alternating forehand to backhand swings is a great way to learn to keep low, balance, and swing

1.3 The Dink Shot

Mastering the dink shot, a soft and controlled shot played close to the net, is crucial for successful pickleball gameplay. Practice this shot to add finesse and precision to your game. A favorite drill is adding a volley to yourself and then pushing a dink shot to the normal drill.  Again, alternating between forehand and backhand will build soft hands and controlled pushing dinks. 

2. Improve Your Serving Technique

2.1 Understanding the Different Serves

Explore various serving techniques such as the lob serve, drive serve, and the spin serve. Each serve has its advantages, and being proficient in all of them will keep your opponents on their toes.  

2.2 Consistency and Placement

Focus on serving consistently and placing the ball strategically to gain a competitive edge. A well-placed serve can disrupt your opponent’s rhythm and give you an advantage from the start of the point. Add targets on the court to move your opponent from corner to corner.  Work for consistency first, then add power and speed.  See how many serves you can do in a row you get in. 

3. Enhance Your Footwork

3.1 Quickness and Agility

Developing quick and agile footwork is essential in pickleball. Being able to move swiftly across the court allows you to reach difficult shots and maintain proper positioning during rallies. Most times it will be side stepping.  Then work on crossover stepping.  Short quick steps, keeping on your toes.

3.2 Split Step

Practice the split step technique, a fundamental footwork move that involves a small jump to regain balance and be ready for your opponent’s shot. The split step increases your reaction time and overall court coverage. Work on doing it in place first, then coming up with forward momentum.  It takes practice to get the timing right.

4. Master the Third Shot Drop

4.1 Understanding the Third Shot

The third shot drop is a strategic shot that occurs after the return of serve. Mastering this shot will enable you to take control of the point and set yourself up for a more offensive play.  Start close and step back off the kitchen line as you get the feel.  Work on hitting up and through the ball at first. One of the toughest shots for a tennis player to transition into this game because it feels like you are setting your opponent up for a kill. 

4.2 Soft Touch and Spin

Work on your soft touch and ability to apply spin to the ball during the third shot drop. Adding spin can make the shot more challenging for your opponent to return.  

5. Learn to Play at the Non-Volley Zone

5.1 The Non-Volley Zone (NVZ)

The NVZ, also known as the kitchen, is a critical area on the court. Learning how to play effectively at the NVZ will help you control the pace of the game and dominate the net.

5.2 Volleys and Blocks

Practice your volley and blocking skills while at the NVZ. These shots require precision and quick reflexes, making them indispensable in competitive pickleball.  Working on your blocking your weak spots and resting the ball back in the kitchen is another great drill to do with a partner.  One person attacks off the bounce toward the dominant hip or shoulder of your opponent and the other person resets the ball.  This will build good attacking and defending skills.

6. Develop a Strong Overhead Smash

6.1 Perfecting the Smash Technique

The overhead smash is a powerful offensive shot that can quickly end a point in your favor. Focus on developing the correct technique to execute this shot with maximum impact.

6.2 Timing and Positioning

Timing and positioning are crucial when attempting an overhead smash. Understanding when to unleash the smash and being in the right position on the court are key factors in its success.  Keeping the ball in front of you and above the shoulders for the overhead.  If it is above the waste, work on swinging from the side and turning your wrist down.  Above the head, we call this a green light ball, above the waste a yellow light ball.  I train to point at the ball with the opposite hand to avoid over-swinging and improve visual tracking of the ball. 


Improving your pickleball skills is an ongoing journey that requires dedication, practice, and a willingness to learn. By mastering the basics, enhancing your serving technique, refining your footwork, and perfecting advanced shots, you can take your pickleball game to new heights. Embrace the challenges, stay persistent, and enjoy the process of becoming a better pickleball player.


  • How long does it take to become proficient in pickleball?
    The time it takes to become proficient in pickleball varies from person to person. Consistent practice and dedication are essential for improvement.
  • Is pickleball suitable for all age groups?
    Yes, pickleball is a sport that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and fitness levels.
  • Can I play pickleball indoors?
    Absolutely! Pickleball can be played both indoors and outdoors, making it a versatile sport.
  • Do I need expensive equipment to play pickleball?
    While high-quality equipment can enhance your performance, there are affordable options available for beginners.
  • Can pickleball help improve my cardiovascular fitness?
    Yes, pickleball is a great cardiovascular workout that can improve your overall fitness levels.

For more great info go to www.PickleballPanda.Fun 

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